Life's journey often unfolds as an unpredictable story, with each chapter introducing unexpected twists and turns. My...
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SMART Career
A Life-Changing Opportunity: My Transformative Internship at KVALITO Consulting Group
There are times in life when you are given a chance so amazing that you wouldn't even dream about it. That's how I...
An Unexpected Opportunity: My Transformative Journey at KVALITO Consulting Group
Have you ever heard that the best things in life happen when you least expect them? Looking back on my time at...
So long Jasmine, wishing you all the best!
So long Jasmine, we wish you all the very best! Jasmine Lee recently graduated with her PhD in Medical Biochemistry....
Meet Estanislao de Ferrater Pagani
Meet our colleague Estanislao de Ferrater Pagani, a...
KVALITO ist ein Lehrbetrieb, anerkannt durch das Erziehungsdepartement Basel Stadt
Die Kvalito Consulting Group freut sich riesig, vom Erziehungsdepartement Basel-Stadt als...
Gender Parity, the Long Road to Gender Equality and KVALITO’s Commitment to Closing the Gap
"Leave No-one Behind" i Although Gender Parity and Gender Equality are sometimes used interchangeably,...
Exceeding Expectations: My Transformative Internship Experience at KVALITO
My internship experience with KVALITO was my first step into the corporate world, and to say the least, it went way...
Effective Communication
"Less is more"—Robert Browning "Andrea del Sarto" (1855) Communication truly is the engine of fruitful relationships....
How can we deal with conflict at work?
"Don't fear conflict; embrace it - it's part of your job." —Clara Sayrol When a group of people comes together,...
Meet Dimitrij Gvozdev
Meet Dimitrij Gvozdev We would like you to meet Dimitrij Gvozdev, who is passionate about working with KVALITO and the...
Working from home is becoming the new normal for everyone
"Technology now allows people to connect anytime, anywhere, to anyone in the world, from almost any device. This is...