Exceeding Expectations: My Transformative Internship Experience at KVALITO


My internship experience with KVALITO was my first step into the corporate world, and to say the least, it went way better than I could have ever expected.  I went into my internship excited about what I would be doing and, at the same time, having a basic theoretical knowledge of the industry I’d be working in. However, almost three months later, I would like to think that I’ve grown into the job and developed and added to my skill set on a business level and a personal level. KVALITO is more than just a business. The company’s aims and objectives and the togetherness of everyone at the organization stood out from the start. I looked forward to working with the team every single day.

My internship started in operations management, and during the first week, I had my list of objectives set out for what I had planned to achieve and accomplish during my three months at KVALITO. However, looking back at the list, I’ve done so much more than what was initially planned. I learnt a lot more than I expected to and worked in departments I never thought I’d see myself in, such as the ICT department.  This entire experience has been a huge learning curve, for which I am super grateful. Even though my degree is in accounting and finance, doing my internship has helped me realize that there are definitely other areas of business that I wouldn’t mind diving into and exploring further.

Throughout my internship experience, I was introduced to the ins and outs of the consultancy world, from the initial steps of procuring deals to the legal formalities involved with hiring consultants, the steps involved in matching consultants with innovative life science projects, followed by the onboarding processes. I also got my first taste of the CRM platform and was tasked with finding KVALITO a new solution which I thoroughly enjoyed. Being part of the process from start to finish was challenging in its own ways but, at the same time, equally rewarding. The latter stages of my internship saw me move more towards the back office, where my tasks were mainly related to ICT work. I feel I developed my skill set the most in this area. Apart from the basics such as software installation and account creation, I learned how to design process flows and user stories, recover disk encryption keys for damaged computers and configure applications based on the company’s needs.

An exciting aspect of my internship was to be able to do it from two countries. I started it off in Kuala Lumpur, and two months in, I moved back to India, from where I completed it. Microsoft Teams served as my ‘office’ for most of my internship as I worked from home, apart from the first day when I traveled to the office. The pandemic brought about its own set of ever-changing rules. One of the few good things that came with it was remote working with more flexibility in timing meetings and working hours when working with colleagues across different time zones. Moreover, many of my tasks included looking for solutions to automate processes. A majority of the companies I was communicating with were based in the U.S and Europe, so working from home made it easier to plan meetings and get things done. 

Overall, my experience at KVALITO is something that I am super grateful for. While I came in with limited practical experience, I learned and picked up more than I could have ever imagined at the end of my three months. Being part of such a talented and diverse group of individuals from across the globe was a learning experience on its own, and at least for me, the company’s biggest assets and resources are its amazing team. KVALITO’s slogan of ‘According to your needs, beyond your expectations’ would probably be the simplest way to sum up my first three months with the company. While my initial contract may have come to an end, I am super happy to announce that I’ll continue with the company, and I am so excited to see what the future holds and how I can best serve KVALITO.

Author: Joshua Lemos

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