Jonathan Adler Internship Report

Life Science Consultant Trainee


I’ve always had a wide range of interests and explored many different paths on my journey to finding a suitable occupation for myself. In school, I loved art and creative writing. Regardless, I spontaneously chose to study biology in university and continued to shift my focus within that vast field from genetics to ecology, then marine science, and finally structural bioinformatics. While I enjoyed the challenges of academia and greatly appreciated how my scientific training shaped me, I ultimately decided against further specialization once I obtained a master’s degree and instead moved abroad to work as a teacher in the beautiful city of Kiev. After my wonderful time there was cut short by war, I felt uncertain about where to turn next. Although my passion for education was still strong, I missed engaging with complex and unfamiliar technical problems, which led me to seek a career where I could apply a combination of the diverse skills I had collected so far. This search ultimately brought me to KVALITO, where I embarked on the exciting path of becoming a life science consultant. 

I was looking for an adventure, and I certainly found one when I was placed with my first client after only a short week of introductions. My new environment revolved around the promising field of nuclear medicine and the many dynamic challenges that arise from its fast growth and unique technical peculiarities.

The first project I joined had already stretched its schedule by the time I arrived, but I was able to find my feet quickly and assist with bringing it to a satisfactory conclusion. Next, I was presented with an even more intriguing task, as I joined an investigation with the goal of monitoring, explaining, and resolving various IT errors that were reducing the efficiency of daily business operations. I quickly learned that thriving in chaos was a key skill for my new role, as countless obstacles kept stacking up with every problem I overcame. When restructuring and organizational issues resulted in the whole project coming to rest primarily on my shoulders, I initially buckled under the unexpected weight of my responsibility. Still, I ultimately found a way to prevail and prove my worth as a technical resource for the company. My reward for weathering the storm came in the form of many lessons I could learn, and the constant stream of those has not appeared to slow down much since then. As I continue this journey, I look forward to growing and adapting further with every new trial I will encounter. 

Do Something You Love Every Day. Join KVALITO.

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