From Fledgling to Flight: My Journey at KVALITO

Junior Life Science Consultant


Starting my internship at Kvalito was like entering a new world. It may sound like an exaggeration or a cliché, but in all honesty, this is the truth.

Even though the subjects I took in university involved learning the theory of quality and validation, it surely did not prepare me for what I observed and experienced when I crossed the doors of life science consultancy at KVALITO. Not to mention, it was also a brand-new adventure as it was my first serious work experience after graduating from school.

“Theory is different from practice” – I have heard this phrase many times when I was growing up and I always agreed with it. However, it cannot be more emphasized in life, particularly when a fresh school or university graduate finally enters the labour market and needs to find their own place in this entirely new world. It may seem strange to call it a new world, but it actually is – there are rules, unspoken ones, that need to be learned; it is essential to learn how to swim before submerging oneself in a lake or a river. It can be said that as new recruits anywhere in the world, we need to learn how to survive. Even though nowadays, survival is a word that could not be further away from reality for the most of us, and we may not treat our daily lives as such, but in the end, each day we are doubtlessly trying to survive.

My first role as an intern turned out to entail something that seemed to be tailored to my interests – I became an assistant to the Project Manager, as well as a part of the Validation Team.

I always liked to organize things – it was something that was easy for me to do, and I liked the sense of responsibility it involuntarily carried along with it. Not to mention that my previous work experience was related to administration. My mother and my sister all have an aptitude for organization, administration and leadership, which turned out to be transmitted to my generation as well. With time, the work I was doing became more complex and the attention to detail I have proved to be invaluable.

From the moment I joined the fantastic team at Novartis, my adventure began. What I knew before joining KVALITO cannot measure to what I have learned throughout these past months. I attended a conference for the first time in my life and it was such an amazing experience that I would love to repeat it again and again. I met everyone face-to-face during the annual meeting in Spain and published an article on nuclear medicine with the assistance of all the amazing people at KVALITO. I learned about the usage of AI in many industries, what the metaverse is, how it can influence our future, as well as developed my professional profile. When I look back, I can say with certainty that I have changed.

Each day of my internship was a steep learning curve, but also a demanding adaptation process. Nowadays, even if it feels like the curve turned into a constant function, my work still involves the understanding of new concepts, deepening the knowledge I gained and polishing my soft skills. Every day brings new challenges, which results in constant development and improvement.

From where I am now, more than half a year later, standing independently as a full-fledged Junior Life Science Consultant, I can say that it was the best experience I could have ever gotten.

I was like a young fledgling bird, opening its wings to the world. Now, my wings have been fully unfurled, and I am standing at the beginning of a new adventure and a new learning curve. When something ends, something must start, and learning is not a process that has an end; no matter the age or the baggage of experience one can have.

I am waving my colourful flag full of new opportunities, while standing on a boat, moving slowly up and down with the waves of life. A flag of victory.

Author: Magdalena Ciuchta


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