As a recent graduate with a master's degree in biotechnology, I reflect on the journey that led me to where I am...
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SMART Career
Transformative Beginnings: My Journey as a Life Science Consultant Intern at KVALITO
Embarking on my 6-month journey as a life science consultant intern at KVALITO Consulting Group, I was reminded of the...
From Uncertainty to Confidence: My Transformative Internship Journey at KVALITO
“You'll never know until you try.” ― Davee Jones After I completed my Master’s in Biotechnology, I did not have a...
Experience Report by Alix AUTER (KVALITO Life Science Consultant) “Wisdom is to have dreams big enough not to...
Untapped Potential
Rapid changes in employment trends, propelled by digital transformation; as our roles and responsibilities change, so...
Why moving abroad is good for your career
Experience Report by Clara Sayrol (KVALITO Life Science Consultant) “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the...
Leadership Inspiration – Beyond Female Quotas
Everyone knows that women are still largely under-represented in leadership positions. But why and what is...
KVALITO AG is now labour licence holder issued by AWA Basel-Stadt
Only limited enterprises are holding a labour licence in Switzerland. We would like to take this opportunity to thank...