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FDA approves first ever 3D Printed Drug
FDA approves first ever 3D Printed Drug

The FDA has approved the first ever drug created via 3D Printing technology, a decision which can lead to a new era of drug manufacturing. The drug controls seizures called Spritam, manufactured by Aprecia Pharmaceuticals. FDA have also...

Data Privacy In The Age Of Digital Health
Data Privacy In The Age Of Digital Health

  What do you think is the most valuable asset of every patient in the world? The thinking behind this question is shown in the implementation of digital health functions and solutions in the company and its products. The most valuable...

Compliance für die Gesundheit 2.1
Compliance für die Gesundheit 2.1

Durch neue technische Entwicklungen wird der Traum von der personalisierten Medizin langsam aber stetig Wirklichkeit. Themen wie Digital Health und Industrie 4.0 spielen hier eine wichtige Rolle, denn erst durch die Vernetzung beider...

DIA Annual Clinical Forum
DIA Annual Clinical Forum

Eice(BYOD). There are advantage and disadvantages for provisioned and BYOD mobility. What is the future? Its predicted that technology will exist within the next 5 years that projects the full vital signs of patients. From a regulatory...

Good Distribution Practice: Brief Overview
Good Distribution Practice: Brief Overview

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." - Yogi Berra Good distribution practice, also known as GDP, was originated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Economic Community....

Compliance für die Gesundheit 2.1
GxP Compliance: Back To Basics

If a drug is being produced in a GxP compliant manner, there are various specific guidelines that must be adhered to. In principle, computer systems associated with the life cycle of a product must meet certain criteria. The...

FDA approves first ever 3D Printed Drug
OpenFDA Website Launch

The FDA has recently launched an online research project which is still in beta. However, this is not for clinical use as stated on their website: The webpage is very user friendly as it is based on a simple lay out...

Compliance für die Gesundheit 2.1
Digital Health Compliance

“I think the biggest innovation of the 21st century will be at the intersection of biology and technology. A new era is beginning” Steve Jobs On the Brink of Innovation You might not know it yet,but you are living in the digital era. You...