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Theranostics: The Future of Precision Medicine

The term "theranostics" is a combination of "therapy" and "diagnostics"; it is an emerging field that combines into a single platform both diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities. In particular, it involves using one radioactive drug to identify and diagnose tumors...

How Web and Mobile Applications as Medical Devices are Transforming Healthcare Delivery: Trends and Predictions

Introduction Mobile Health (M-Health) technology, using mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, has been rapidly advancing globally to provide practical health-promoting approaches, extending health surveillance, gathering health-related data, and allowing...

Why is Data Integrity the Base of Digital Health?

Over the past century, advances in nutrition and medicine have contributed to a rise in life expectancy. However, as societies age, more people develop degenerative and lifestyle-related health problems. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), these...

KPIs for Measuring a Hospital’s Financial Health

Introduction “If you cannot measure it, you can’t improve it.” — Peter Drucker   First Established in 805 CE in Baghdad, the hospital has evolved significantly since then, becoming an indispensable institution for nations worldwide. Today, we explore  the...